You know how you read things and say to yourself, "Sure that could happen." But when you sit down to replicate what you've read there's that nasty little voice that says, "Maybe someone else can do this, but that's not me."?

That happened to me while I was weaving this scarf from Bernat Baby Sport and some Pink/Red/Off-White hand-spun of mine. The original piece looked too flimsy and tacky and ugly to amount to anything. I was sure I was wasting my time. But I kept going. Once run through the washer to felt it, I got this. Now I admit, it's not going to win any national beauty contests, but when I sit down to the loom again I won't be smacked in the gut by despair. Lesson Learned: If nobody's eye is going to be put out, go ahead and run with it. It might work.
Now that I know that this technique really works and I can really do it, I'll be spinning specific yarns in felting and non-felting and feltyish versions in fun funny colors and eventually go to town with this one.
This scarf is currently not in the store ... if you're interested let me know.
From a Different Point of View

I know something is going to be fun when I immediately start thinking how to approach it from the backside or the top or the bottom ... the astrophysics of knitting. You may recognize the "blossoms" on the end of this skinny scarf. They're a different take on the modular shells from the Isis Scarf and the Isis Cuffs that are currently available at Artisan Local Gift Gallery in Janesville. Again, I'm using my hand-dyed, hand-spun yarn for this fun project. I'll be labeling it and taking it in to the Gallery next week and will post here when it's available there. Same thing goes, though .... if you're interested in this piece let me know.

And here's the view from the river side.

The cooperative shop is located in a historic building which has something to do with Mr. Jane, the settler for whom the city is named. I'll get more data and report next post. I realized after I downloaded the image from the camera and cropped it for inclusion here that the street address is 6. I think I need to find out if there are any apartments upstairs that are available for rent, and if they are done in kubrick-nouveau-modern-continental style. And yes. City Hall does have a dome.
Updating Prodigal Sock
I'm still in the process of updating the Website. I'm altering the "Store" and making other needed renovations to make it load a tad faster. Until next time ...
Be Seeing You!
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